Poster Instructions

Poster Instructions

Your poster has to be prepared and presented in English, the official language of the Conference.
You MUST complete the registrations by November 1, 2024 (JST=UTC+9). Registration later than November 2, 2024 may be considered as withdrawal.
Poster size: The area available for the poster is limited to a rectangle 2100 mm height by 900 mm width.
Please make sure the poster fits within the allowed display area. (e.g. A0 size is 1189 mm height x 841 mm width.) -
Poster Mounting: The surface of the mounting board is pushpin friendly. Posters must be mounted to the board with pushpins, and they are available at the poster board.
You can put your poster from 16:00 on November 11 (Monday) and from 8:30 on November 12 (Tuesday).
Your presentation code (i.e. ‘Tu2-P31-01’) is posted on each poster board.
You should show the poster no later than 11:00 on November 12 (Tuesday).
You are requested to stay near by your poster during the allotted session.
We recommend you to keep on putting your poster until 15:30 on November 14 (Thursday).
Your poster must be removed by 17:30 on November 14 (Thursday).
Please note that after 17:30 on November 14 (Thursday), all remaining posters will be disposed.
The poster sessions allow authors the opportunity to interact personally with the attendees, network with interested parties, and discuss research results in-depth.