

Prof. Noritaka Usami (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Prof. Noritaka Usami graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1991 and earned his Doctor of Engineering degree from the same institution in 1998. He served as a research associate at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo from 1994 to 2000 before assuming the role of an associate professor at the Institute for Materials Research at Tohoku University. Since 2013, he has been a professor at the Graduate School of Engineering at Nagoya University. In addition to his academic roles, he was a Senior Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, from 2018 to 2020. As of 2024, he also holds the position of vice
presidential advisor at Nagoya University.
His research has focused on improving the efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells through fundamental materials research across various scales. This includes research on bulk crystal growth, sub-micron-scale processing technology of crystal surfaces, and atomic-scale heterointerface control. His contributions include the development of a cost-effective production method for quasi-monocrystalline ingots utilizing functional defects, photon management
technology on thin silicon wafer surfaces, and the realization of high passivation performance of carrier selective contact. Furthermore, he has been at the forefront of research in materials and process informatics.
His outstanding contributions have been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the Best Paper Award at PVSEC (2009), the SiliconPV Award (2018), JSAP Fellowship (2021), and the Commendation for Science and Technology by MEXT Japan (2022). His research interests encompass the study of various silicon-based materials through multiscale materials science and their applications in photovoltaic, photonic, and electronic fields as well as new materials development research methods.

PVSEC Special Award
Mr. Akito Yoshii (NAMICS, Japan)
Mr. Akito Yoshii graduated from the Department of Industrial Chemistry, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University and joined NAMICS Corporation (then Hokuriku Toryou Co., Ltd.) in 1980. He engaged in the development of internal electrode materials for multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) as well as related business development. Starting in the late 1990s, he has been engaged in the development of electrode materials for photovoltaic cell applications as a part of NAMICS’ strategy to develop ecoconscious commercial materials.
His work includes research aimed at increasing the reliability of photovoltaic cells through the industrial-chemistry based evaluations of Ag diffusion to glass frits and the evaluation of reliability affected by an interfacial structure, through structural analysis of an interface between a Si substrate and an Ag electrode of a photovoltaic cell. He was in charge of the development of an Ag paste applicable for heterojunction (HJC) using a resin curing technology, one of the essential technologies NAMICS owns, and successfully developed a paste with the industry-leading low resistance by leveraging a low temperature fusion phenomenon enabled at 200 degrees Celsius or lower. He has also engaged in other technology developments such as the reduction of Ag content through changing the composition design from the traditional Ag 100% to a composition with base metals.
He assumed the position of the Director of the Technical R&D Division in 2009 and additionally Corporate Director in 2019, and has been continuously supervising the Technical R&D Division.

Hamakawa Award
Prof. Atsushi Wakamiya (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Prof. Atsushi Wakamiya graduated from Kyoto University in 1998 and received Ph.D from Kyoto University in 2003. He started his academic career at Nagoya University as an assistant professor in 2003. In 2010, he moved to Kyoto University as an associate professor and was promoted to full professor in 2018. Since 2023, he is also deputy executive vice-president for evaluation and research promotion of Kyoto University.
His scientific research contributed to the advancement of perovskite solar cells. In 2014, he developed and commercialized the key purified precursor materials of PbI2 for metal halide perovskite semiconductors, enabling the fabrication of efficient perovskite solar cells with high reproducibility over the world. He also elucidated the fundamental properties of perovskite semiconductors and the mechanism of power generation in solar cells. He proposed unique molecular design concepts for charge-collecting materials and surface passivation of perovskite layers. Based on these materials and technologies, the high efficiency and stability of solar cells and modules were realized.
He is a project leader of the Green Innovation Program (NEDO) and JST-Mirai Program, and a co-founder and a director (Chief Scientific Officer, CSO) of “EneCoat Technologies, Co. Ltd.”, a startup company for the production of perovskite solar modules. He has received several awards: The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2020), Commendation for Science and Technology by MEXT Japan: Award for Science and Technology Research Category (2022), etc. His research interests include materials chemistry and perovskite photovoltaics.
Details of each award
The person who has been devoting oneself to the progresses of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering for many years, belonging to PVSEC Society in principle.
The person or group who has been contributing a great deal in any one of the following PV fields;
- Growth of photovoltaic industrial technology
- Public policy-making, international activities, international
standardization - Human resource development, educational activities,
dissemination activities - DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).
【Hamakawa AWARD】
This award is named in honor of Professor Yoshihiro Hamakawa, a founder of the photovoltaic community in Japan and the Asia/Pacific PV Conference (PVSEC). The purpose of the award is to recognize scientists and engineers who have made outstanding research and technological accomplishment, and creativity of PV energy conversion.
The winners of the PVSEC Award, PVSEC Special Award and Hamakawa Award will receive an engraved plaque with a prize. Especially, the winner(s) of the PVSEC Award will be invited to deliver a commemorative lecture.
Previous award winners