Invited speakers

Area 1: PV in Sustainable Energy System
Area 2: System Engineering and Field Performance
Area 3: Wafer-based Silicon Photovoltaics
Area 4: Thin-film Photovoltaics and Modules
Area 5: Perovskite and Emerging Photovoltaics
Cross Cutting Areas
PV in Sustainable Energy System
Policy, Market, Finance, and Deployment

The Silicon to Solar (S2S) Study: A Policy Roadmap for Australian Solar Manufacturing
Dr. Michelle Vaqueiro Contreras (UNSW, Australia)

(Tentative) JPEA Outlook 2050
Mr. Takeaki Masukawa (JPEA, Japan)
Grid Integration and Energy Management

Grid Forming Inverter: Getting Ready for Inverter Dominated Power System
Dr. Aminul Huque (EPRI, USA)

NEDO Grid Integration Projects
Ms. Yuka Ogasawara (NEDO, Japan)
Green Energy Carriers and Storage

Demonstration Operation of Large-Scale Hydrogen Energy System Using Renewable Energy
Dr. Junichi Sato (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan)
System Engineering and Field Performance
Integrated PV and Advanced Applications of Photovoltaics

Realization of Space Qualified III-V Thin-Film Solar Cell Modules
Dr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi (SHARP, Japan)

Development of Lightweight Solar Array Panel for Japan’s Lunar Lander SLIM
Dr. Hiroyuki Toyota (JAXA, Japan)

Radiation Sensing using Si, InGaP, CIGS, and Perovskite Solar Cells
Dr. Yasuki Okuno (RIKEN, Japan)
Field Performance of Photovoltaic Systems

UV-induced Degradation in Various Module Types
Dr. Peter Hacke (NREL, USA)

Solar Farm Inspection via Large-scale Daylight Photoluminescence Imaging
Dr. Oliver Kunz (UNSW, Australia)

Energy Impact of Different Solar Tracker Wind Stow Strategies
Dr. Kyumin Lee (Array Technologies, USA)
Wafer-based Silicon Photovoltaics
Materials, Processes, Fundamentals

Gettering in Silicon TOPCon Cells and its Impact
Dr. Anyao Liu (Australian National Univ., Australia)

Revealing the Properties of Si Passivating Contacts Using Advanced STEM Analysis
Dr. Harvey Guthrey (NREL, USA)
Cells and Modules

From the Lab to the Field: Decoding Degradation at Cell, Module, and Field Level for SHJ and TOPCon
Prof. Bram Hoex (UNSW, Australia)

Challenges for the Upscaling of Perovskite/silicon Tandem Technology
Dr. Solenn Berson (INES, France)

Multi-functional TiOx Nanolayers for Silicon and Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Dr. Takuya Matsui (AIST, Japan)

Silicon Solar Cell Research at KIER and Center for Advanced Solar PV Technology
Dr. Hee-eun Song (KIER, Korea)

Pathway for Photovoltaics Everywhere: Technologies and Applications
Prof. Olindo Isabella (Delft Univ. Tech., The Netherlands)

Industrial-Scale Deposition of Nanocrystalline Silicon Oxide for 26.4%-Efficient Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with Copper Electrodes
Prof. Xinbo Yang (Soochow Univ., China)
Thin-film Photovoltaics and Modules
Organic and Inorganic Photovoltaics

New p- and n-type Photovoltaic Materials for Organic Solar Cells
Prof. Han Young Woo (Korea Univ., Korea)

How to Reduce the Energy Loss at the Interfaces of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by Controlling Electron Transfer Rates
Prof. Shogo Mori (Shinshu Univ., Japan)

Sustainability Evaluations and Design Considerations for Terawatt Scale Manufacturing of Future Silicon Based Tandem Technology
Dr. Li Wang (UNSW, Australia)
Compound Thin-film Photovoltaics

Emerging Inorganic Chalcogenide for Solar Harvesting Devices
Prof. Lydia Helena Wong (Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore)

Insights from CIGS Community in Advancing Perovskite Tandem Applications
Dr. Veronica Bermudez Benito (HBKU-QEERI, Qatar)
III-V High-efficiency Devices

Lowering the cost of III-V Photovoltaics
Dr. John Simon (NREL, USA)
Perovskite and Emerging Photovoltaics
Perovskite Photovoltaics

Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells via Charge Carrier Transport Modulation and Defects Passivation
Dr. Jing-Bi You (CAS, China)

Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells through Interface Engineering
Prof. Jangwon Seo (KAIST, Korea)

Thermal Stability of Tin-based Perovskites Solar Cells and All-perovskite Solar Cells Composed of Tin-based Solar Cells
Prof. Shuzi Hayase (Univ. Electro-Communications, Japan)

Perovskite Solar Cells: Discovery and Research Directions
Prof. Nam-Gyu Park (SungKyunKwan Univ., Korea)

High Efficiency, Stable Perovskite Solar Cell Minimodules
Prof. Dongmei Li (Institute of Physics, CAS, China)

Functional Materials and Scalable Processes for Low-cost Perovskite Solar Cells and Radiative Cooling Films
Prof. Pongsakorn Kanjanaboos (Mahidol Univ., Thailand)

Perovskite Interface Geometry and Intra-Crystal Disorder
Prof. Yuanyuan Zhou (HKUST, Hong Kong)

Photovoltaic Potential of Tin Perovskites Revealed through Layer-by-layer Investigation
Dr. Artem Musiienko (HZB, Germany)
Emerging Materials and New Concepts

Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Prof. Wanli Ma (Soochow Univ., China)

Charge Carrier Dynamics of Metal Halide Perovskite in Correlation with their Solar Cell Performance
Prof. Yasuhiro Tachibana (RMIT Univ., Australia)

Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Quantum Dots as well as Application to Solar Cells
Prof. Qing Shen (The Univ. Electro-Communications, Japan)

Dual-wavelength Laser Power Converters Compatible with Highly Efficient Solar Cells using Triplet-triplet Annihilation and Singlet Fission of Molecular Systems
Dr. Yasuhiko Takeda (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Japan)
Cross Cutting Areas
Perovskite Tandems

All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Prof. Dewei Zhao (Sichuan Univ., China)

Unlocking the Potential of Perovskite Solar Cells: From Single-junction to Tandem
Prof. Yi Hou (National Univ. Singapore, Singapore)

Narrow Bandgap Mixed Tin–Lead Perovskites for All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaics
Dr. Shuaifeng Hu (Univ. Oxford, UK)
Artificial Intelligence in PV Development

Recent Developments in Quality Inspection for Solar Cell Production using Deep Learning Techniques
Dr. Matthias Demant (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany)

Advancements in Solar Radiation Forecasting using Deep Learning
Dr. Jun Sasaki (Japan Weather Association, Japan)
Solar to X; Sciences, Materials and Devices

Local Environments on Cu Electrode Surface for Selective CO2 Electrolysis
Prof. Miho Yamauchi (Kyushu Univ., Japan)