Satellite events

Satellite events

IEA PVPS Workshop @ PVSEC-35 Numazu, Japan

【Organizer】IEA PVPS, NEDO, and PVSEC-35
【Date】Tuesday, 12th Nov., 2024
【Venue】Room 407, 4F, Plaza Verde
【Participation fee】Free for PVSEC-35 participants
Time (JST, UTC+9) | Workshop |
14:00-15:30 | Session 1: PV market and Sustainability ・Co-organized by Task 1 (Strategic PV Analysis & outreach) and Task 12 (PV Sustainability Activities) - Greetings from IEA PVPS Chair, Daniel Mugnier - Trends of PV market, Gaëtan Masson, IEA PVPS Task 1/ Becquerel Institute, Belgium - Overview of Task 12, Garvin Heath, IEA PVPS Task 12/ NREL, USA - Solar panel recycling technology: from fundamentals to applications Yansong Shen, UNSW, Australia - PV recycling potential, Keiichi Komoto, Mizuho R&T, Japan - Discussion |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee break |
16:00-17:30 | Session 2: Extreme Weather Impacts on PV system Reliability ・Organized by Task 13 (Reliability and Performance of Photovoltaic Systems - Introduction (T13 Activities), Ulrike Jahn, FhG-CSP, Germany - Snow Impacts, Alexander Granlund, RI.SE, Switzerland - Soiling Impacts, Leonardo Micheli, Sapienza University Rome, Italy - Tropical Cyclone Impacts, Laurie Burnham, Sandia National Laboratory, USA - Structural Damages, Kohta Sato, SPEI, Japan - Wrap-up, Tadanori Tanahashi, AIST, Japan |
17:30-19:00 | Session 3: Agrivoltaics Action Group ・Co-organized by IEA PVPS APV Action Group, ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Japan Community Power Association, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies(ISEP), and Japan Solar Sharing Federation ・Supported by A Japan Fund for Global Environment grant of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency - Greetings from Tetsunari Iida, ISEP - About the Agrivoltaics Action Group of IEA PVPS, Alessandra Scognamiglio, ENEA, Italy and Jordan Macknick, NREL, USA - Agrivoltaics in ASEAN Countries, Thomas Reindl, The Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) - Japanese status, regulatory aspects and issues, Izumi Kaizuka, RTS Corporation - Practical application of APV for small-scale farmers in Japan applicable to the global south, Kazunori Oda, Agritree Inc. - Design Optimization of Agri‐Photovoltaic Systems in Different Climate Regions, Daisuke Yajima, Miyazaki University - The point of view of the farmers, Small-scale Agrivoltaics and Carbon Farming in Japan, Masafumi Shigeie, WakuWaku Solar Sharing Farm in Higashi-hirosima - Wrap-up, Alessandra Scognamiglio, ENEA |
4th Asian Nations Joint Workshop on Photovoltaics

【Organizer】The Japan Photovoltaic Society (J-PVS)
【Date】Nov. 14th, 2024
【Venue】 Plaza Verde
【Participation fee】Free
【Requirement for participation】J-PVS member or Participant of PVSEC-35
【Website link】
Session 1: | |
14:00~14:05 | Welcome address |
14:05〜14:25 | Current situation of PV in Japan |
14:25〜14:45 | Status and prospects of DC-integrated photovoltaic generation system Yibo Wang (CAS, China) |
14:45〜15:05 | Recent PV activities in Korea Donghwan Kim (Korea Univ., Korea) |
15:05~15:25 | Thailand PV Research & Development and Policy Roadmap Amornrat Limmanee (NSTDA, Thailand) |
15:25~15:40 | Break |
Session 2: | |
15:40~16:00 | PV manufacturing and R&D activities in Turkey |
16:00~16:20 | Current Status, Challenges and Prospects of Solar PV in Bangladesh's Energy Roadmap Nowshad Amin (American International Univ. Bangladesh, Bangradesh) |
16:20~16:40 | Solar photovoltaics in India: An overview of research and development, industry expansion, obstacles, and future opportunities Vamsi Krishna Komarala (IIT Delhi, India) |
16:40~17:00 | Overview and Outlook of Solar PV in Singapore Thomas Reindl (SERIS, Singapore) |
17:00~17:05 | Closing Remarks Yuzuru Ueda (Tokyo Univ. Sci., Japan) |